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We are interested in preserving Mansfield’s neighborhoods as single-family neighborhoods – great places to grow up, raise families and live as senior citizens. The continuous conversion from single family homes into student rentals permanently changes the character of our neighborhoods. The loss of neighbors, increased noise levels, increased traffic, and the negative impact on our infrastructure, roads, and property values leads to a lessened sense of safety and well-being in our community.

We wish to work with the Town and University to strengthen enforcement of existing occupancy rental regulations and reduce density of student rentals in family neighborhoods, working toward goals set by “Mansfield Tomorrow”.

During the last 20 years, UConn enrollment has increased by 8,000 but only 292 additional beds have been added on campus. During this time over 400 of our homes have been converted to rentals and destabilized our neighborhoods by investors who capitalize on the overcrowding on campus.

We have a discussion group on Facebook to support neighbors who wish to learn more about quality of life issues related to student rentals in the host town of Mansfield, CT.